Governance and Leadership
Board of Trustees
In the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship, the congregation is the basic governing unit of our church. We control our own funds and property, determine the conditions of membership, plan worship services, and call ministers. Board members are elected by the congregation.
Our Board of Trustees consists of four officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer; and one Leadership Council Trustee, who chairs the Leadership Council and acts as the liaison between the Leadership Council and the Board of Trustees. UCF’s minister is a non-voting member. The Board defines procedures, sets policy, and is responsible for the budgetary and fiduciary affairs of the Fellowship. It is also the body that develops and monitors long-range plans for the church. Meetings are open to everyone. Contact Board President Mark Hooper for meeting times and information.
Leadership Council
UCF’s Leadership Council promotes communication among all elements of congregational life. It is responsible for coordinating Fellowship programs and operations, particularly those that have cross-committee impacts. The Leadership Council does not implement changes to the budget or changes to UCF policies and procedures but can make recommendations to the Board. Council members are the minister, staff persons, and the chairs of standing committees. UCF’s minister is a non-voting member. The Leadership Council Trustee chairs the council. Meetings are monthly and are open to everyone. Contact Leadership Council Trustees Amy Jones or Barb Thomas for meeting times and information.
President: Mark Hooper | Chair: Amy Jones and Barb Thomas |
Vice President: Susan Roberts | Worship: |
Secretary: Miriam Green and Lauren Donnachie | Finance: Jo Ellen Essex |
Treasurer: Joan Burton | Membership: Penny Hooper and Martha Kenworthy |
Leadership Trustee: Amy Jones and Barb Thomas | Social Justice: Harriet Altman and Barb Thomas |
Facilities: Sandra Shelp | |
Adult Spiritual Enrichment: Holly Rogers | |
Children and Family Ministry: Laura Prestwich and Sarah Grenier | |
Green Sanctuary: Penny Hooper and Susan Roberts | |
Communications Team: Kari Mathisen | |
Newsletter Editor: Samantha Simmons |
Bylaws and Policies:
Bylaws are adopted by vote of the congregation; policies are adopted and amended by vote of the Board of Trustees.
To download our Bylaws:
UCF Bylaws TOC Complete – September 2023
To download our policy manual
Section 1 – Governance and Structure – Revised July 2024 (Including Table of Contents)
Section 2-Administrative Policies and Procedures – Revised July 2024 (including Table of Contents)