UCF News
What’s going on at Unitarian Coastal Fellowship? Find it below!
What’s going on at Unitarian Coastal Fellowship? Find it below!
Minister Leslie is nicely settled into her home in Carteret County and she officially started as UCF’s new full time contract minister on August 1! Leslie plans to begin her ministry by connecting with UCF’s committees to learn when they meet and what type of ministry needs they may have. She is looking forward to … Continue reading MINISTERIAL SEARCH COMMITTEE UPDATE IT IS OFFICIAL!!! OUR NEW MINISTER, LESLIE RUNNELS, IS HERE!
•Sunday, June 2nd, Multigen Pride Sunday 10:30AM: Nursery open, no children’s religious education During coffee hour: Sunday Funday “Fun in the Sun”•Friday, June 7th: 12:30-2:30 Celebrate the end of the school year with pizza and ice cream!•Sunday, June 9th, 10:30AM: Father’s Day story and activities•Friday, June 14th, 6:30PM: Game Night! Bring your favorite board game … Continue reading Children and Family Ministries June Schedule
Spread the word and join UCF for the final showing in the 2023/2024 Social Justice Film Series on June 13 at 6:30pm!
Philosophy in the AfternoonPhilosophy in the Afternoon is still waiting for your input and ideas on topics that affect us as individuals as well as a society…join us for discussing the ultimately unknowable. We’ll be in the Social Hall at 4:30 pm on Wednesday, June 5; please come and join us! Questions of not a … Continue reading June Adult Spiritual Enrichment Activities
During the last weekend in April, choir Director, Tom Cullison, and choir members, Susan Fetzer, Barb Thomas, and Karen Baggott attended the regional Choir Festival at Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Durham, NC. Their music director, Wendy Looker, and their clinician, Francisco Ruiz from California, created a wonderful choral experience and church members provided … Continue reading UCF Members Attend NC UU Choir Festival
By Sarah Grenier On Sundays with no RE, the kids have asked me, “why didn’t we go back to our classroom?!” Even my own son excitedly confirms every morning before we go to church now, “are we going to be in the kid’s room?” I hope that’s a sign that they are having fun together … Continue reading Children and Family Ministries – May
Philosophy in the AfternoonPhilosophy in the Afternoon is still waiting for your input and ideas on topics that affect us as individuals as well as a society…join us for discussing the ultimately unknowable. We’ll be in the Social Hall at 4:30 pm on Wednesday, April 3; please come and join us! Questions of not a … Continue reading April Adult Spiritual Enrichment Activities
The Spring UU 101 Classes were offered March 3, 10, and 17, following the Sunday services. Many thanks to Rev. Ma for leading the first and third classes and to Maratha Kenworthy for facilitating the second class. The Membership Committee was very happy to have between 10 and 15 people attending each class to learn … Continue reading Growing Our Fellowship with New Members