Category: UCF News

Spring Equinox Celebration

All are welcome at our celebration of the Spring Equinox, Ostara, on March 20 at 6pm in the sanctuary. We will welcome in spring and new beginnings with Wiccan ritual and fellowship.

Thanksgiving Day Potluck at UCF

Thank you to Holly Rogers and Marty Newcomb for hosting a potluck dinner at UCF for a small group on Thanksgiving Day. In addition to sharing traditional and non-traditional dishes, and way too many desserts, we continue to share our stories with each other.

November Ministerial Search Committee Update

The Search Committee extends sincere thanks for the feedback and ideas that you all shared in the ministerial search survey, the cottage meetings, coffees with the Board and in individual conversations. We are close to completing UCF’s congregational profile and finalizing the folder of required documents. These will be forwarded to the UUA Transitions Office … Continue reading November Ministerial Search Committee Update

UCF in the Pepsi Can!

The NC Seafood Festival is held in Morehead City the first weekend of October every year and it is a huge event. UCF joined the lottery to sell Pepsi at the festival — and our name was selected. We will receive a percentage of the profits but we have to man (or woman) the Pepsi … Continue reading UCF in the Pepsi Can!