UU 101
Are you interested in knowing more about Unitarian Universalism? Want to learn about the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship and how we fit into that larger picture? Would you like a chance to retrace the spiritual journey that led you here, and to hear about the journeys of others? Then join us for a two-session “UU 101” class after service on Sundays. These classes are held periodically when there is interest.
This class is perfect for those who are considering joining our congregation – and for those who have been around a while and want to know more. Sessions will begin at noon and end by 1:30pm. Please register in advance.
The first session will include getting acquainted with each other: who we are, what has brought us to UCF, what we are looking for in a spiritual community. We will talk about the history and the structure of UCF and of the larger Unitarian Universalist movement of which we are a part.
The second session will focus on Unitarian Coastal Fellowship and will be also attended by committee chairs and other leaders. Participants get to know each other better and learn about opportunities to participate in the UCF community.
If you are interested, email Rev. Micah Ma at mma@ucfnc.org.