August Adult Spiritual Enrichment Activities

Philosophy in the Afternoon Next Meeting September 4
Philosophy in the Afternoon is cancelled on August 7, 2024. Please join us on September 4, at 4:30pm instead. Questions? Call Holly at 509-607-2055.
Questions of not a philosophical nature? Contact Holly:

VESPERS….Just What Is It? August 21
VESPERS….HAVE YOU TRIED IT? Maybe you would like it… Vespers is a short, contemplative worship service for a mid-week spiritual refresher. Join us in the Sanctuary at 6:00pm. Philosophy in the Afternoon and Vespers is a great combination for balancing the spirit. Hope to see you then!

Mental Health Wellness Support Group August 20
This support group will meet August 20, 2024 (3rd Tuesday of the month) – at 7:00pm in the Sally B. White Building. This mental health wellness support group is for people with significant mental health challenges and/or struggles with substance abuse, to facilitate self-empowerment and recovery.

Covenant of Unitarian Universalists Pagans (CUUPS) – August 14, 6pm – 8pm
(2nd Wednesday of the Month)
Contact: Heather Woodward
Email: if you have any questions.