Family Games Night
Come join us the second Friday of each month for an evening of games from 6:30 to 8:30. Bring a favorite game of your own or play one of the many we have at UCF.
Red Cross Blood Drive 3/31 10 AM to 3 PM. Sign Up HERE
Come join us the second Friday of each month for an evening of games from 6:30 to 8:30. Bring a favorite game of your own or play one of the many we have at UCF.
Introducing: Wednesday Night Vespers and programs to follow! Join us every first and third Wednesday of the month at 6pm for a worshipful breather in the middle of your week. We will join together in a short 30-minute worship service of song, candlelight, and meditation before scheduled programming at 6:30pm. Vespers will be followed by … Continue reading Wednesday Night Vespers and Programs
Energy is the engine that powers life and fuels the evolution of human civilization. To better put into perspective the various issues surrounding energy in the 21st century, we need to understand the essential science behind how energy works. Award-winning professor and expert geophysicist Michael E. Wysession of Washington University in St. Louis has developed … Continue reading Explore the Science of Energy
The Racial Justice Group will meet via Zoom at 7PM onDecember 15. We will be setting our calendar of events forthe New Year as we approach the possible adoption of the8th Principle at our Annual Meeting in June 2023. ContactPenny Hooper or checkout the Wave for the Zoom Link
The Fire This Time, by Jesmyn Ward will be the book for discussion on November 17, at 7 p.m. It is an anthology of essays and poetry in the format used by Baldwin. It was inspired by the killing of unarmed teenager Trevon Martin in 2012. While seeking to understand and deal with her own … Continue reading Anti-Racist Reading Group
Your ASE committee has been hard at work, and we have an exciting couple of months ahead. Several new activities are planned, and so mark them on your calendars!Starting in November, we’ll be having a Vespers service at the Fellowship sanctuary (in-person only) on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 6:30. Vespers services are intended to … Continue reading Upcoming Adult Spiritual Enrichment Activities
UCF’s Green Sanctuary and Adult RE Committees are pleased to announce a second fall nature walk, led by botanist and UCF member Tom Wentworth on Saturday, October 15, 2022. We’ll hike the Tideland National Recreation Trail from the Cedar Point Campground in the Croatan National Forest. This is about a 45-minute drive from either Jacksonville … Continue reading UCF Fall Nature Walk October 15
Energy is the engine that powers life and fuels the evolution of human civilization. To better put into perspective the various issues surrounding energy in the 21st century, we need to understand the essential science behind how energy works. Award-winning professor and expert geophysicist Michael E. Wysession of Washington University in St. Louis has developed … Continue reading The Science of Energy course starting soon
The documentary “Theirs Is the Kingdom” will be shown on November 2 at UCF. The film explores the intersection of poverty and art, and the challenges of homelessness, addiction, and mental illness, while a fresco mural is created and displayed in the sanctuary of a small church in Asheville, NC. For more information contact Harriet … Continue reading Theirs is the Kingdom film viewing
The Anti-Racist Reading Group has read quite a few books over the last three years. We would like to share a few of these books with you as UCF begins to study the 8th Principle for adoption next year. The first books we read were White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to … Continue reading Recommended reading from AARG as we begin to study the adoption of the 8th Principle