Children and Family Ministries – July

From Sarah Grenier:

What a wonderful, busy, fun-filled month! We enjoyed celebrating the end of the school year with an amazing party. We sent Rev. Ma off in style! We supported a Pride organization and had fun in the sun. Not to mention game night!
I’m so honored to be a part of this growing community. I hope I can be the thread that stitches us all together in community by working as the program’s administrator.
In the RE classroom, we discussed the shapes families can take, Juneteenth history, and how to say goodbye. These topics bring up a lot of emotions about parents, divorce, racism, and grief. I’d encourage you all to ask your kids what they were feeling during these stories, so you can discuss as a family. In July, we will focus more on UU history.
Besides the AC problem, all is going well in the nursery! We need volunteers for a few Sundays in July! Tell me if you want to help out and sign up in Breeze if you are already on the volunteer list.
We’ve received a few baskets back already! They look wonderful, and I can’t wait to put them to use. If you are still interested in adopting a story to put your crafty skills to use, please let me know soon!

And now, for the July Schedule:

  • Sunday, July 7th, 10:30AM: Our lesson will discuss “What is a Unitarian Universalist?”
    During coffee hour: Sunday Funday
  • Friday, July 12th, 6:30PM: Game Night! Bring your favorite board game or play one of ours. We will celebrate all July birthdays with a cake!
  • Sunday, July 14th, 10:30AM: We will discuss the origin of the chalice symbol
  • Sunday, July 21st, 10:30AM: Children’s RE will talk about the first Unitarians in America
  • Sunday, July 28th, 10:30AM: Multigen Service
    10:30AM: Nursery open, no children’s religious education