Becoming a Member
We at the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship welcome all persons regardless of race, color, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or national origin. Ours is an inclusive faith, with no creedal obligation. We are bound by our belief in the Seven Unitarian Universalist principles.
We offer many opportunities to become a part of our church family. In addition to the weekly Sunday services, there are many other community, growth, and service activities. These include social justice work, spiritual growth, reading groups, choir, and gatherings for fun and fellowship. Find out more about us and our activities by exploring the drop-down menus on this website. There’s a place for everyone in our Fellowship.

A UCF friend is anyone who comes to UCF and gives us their email address to receive the weekly “WAVE” update and the monthly “Coastline” newsletter.
As a UCF member, you can vote at our annual meeting and if you want to become a member, you may do so at any time. We recommend our UU101 class which offers information about Unitarian Universalism as well as specific information about our church and its opportunities. If you are interested in finding out more about UU101 or signing our Membership book to become a member, please speak to Rev. Leslie Runnels.