Our congregation is diverse and we have groups that meet regularly to share our interests, support each other, or just socialize and get to know each other.  Check the calendar or our monthly newsletter, Our Coastline (link in the footer below) for up-to-date meeting dates and times.

These UCF groups meet regularly and are open to all who are interested. All meet at UCF unless otherwise noted. Suggestions for new groups are always welcome.

UCF Book Club

The UCF Book Club will be meeting on Monday, March 17 @ 4 PM in the Sally B. White Center. We will be discussing “The Mighty Red” by Lousie Erdich.
In this novel, a high school jock falls in love with and proposes to the Ojibwe daughter of a woman who works for his family’s sugar farm. This book deals with the question of inheritance and identity, mapping the impacts of past injustices on present–day inequalities.
Please join us to talk about this novel by award winning novelist Louise Erdich, who is also Ojibwe. Contact Joan Burton at [email protected] for more information.

Mental Health Family Support Group

An opportunity to share experiences and challenges of having family members or friends who live with mental illness.  Meetings are being held on Zoom on Tuesday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30.  If you would like to join these virtual meetings or would like more information, please contact Susan Roberts at [email protected] .


Join us for our weekly meditation on Mondays at 5:30 pm on Zoom. You can sign in to Zoom anytime between 5:30 and 5:40 and we will meditate from 5:40 to 6:00. The Zoom sessions will be guided by either Holly Rogers, Virginia Woodhead, Lauren Donnachie or Susan Roberts. We enjoy experiencing a variety of meditation styles. Please contact Susan Roberts at [email protected] if you would like to be added to the meditation email list.