Philosophy in the Afternoon is still waiting for your input and ideas on topics that affect us as individuals as well as a society…join us for discussing the ultimately unknowable. We’ll be in the Social Hall at 4:30 pm on Wednesday, May 1; please come and join us! Questions of not a philosophical nature? Contact Holly: [email protected]

VESPERS….HAVE YOU TRIED IT? Maybe you would like it… Vespers is a short, contemplative worship service for a mid-week spiritual refresher. Join us in the Sanctuary at 6:00pm. on Wednesday, May 1 and Wednesday, May 15. Philosophy in the Afternoon and Vespers is a great combination for balancing the spirit. Hope to see you then!
Mental Health Wellness Support Group (NEW)
This support group will meet May 21, 2024 (3rd Tuesday of the month) – a monthly meeting at 7:00pm in the Sally B. White Building. This mental health wellness support group is for people with significant mental health challenges and/or struggles with substance abuse, to facilitate self-empowerment and recovery.

Covenant of Unitarian Universalists Pagans (CUUPS) Meeting (NEW) CUUPS will be meeting on May 8, 2024 (and the second 2nd Wednesday of each month) from 6:30p.m. – 8p.m.
You don’t have to be pagan to join. All are welcome. This month, we will discuss the cardinal directions, the elements/elementals, and their various correspondences. Why are they included in different forms of pagan practices? Bring paper and a pen.