Children and Family Ministries – November Recap and Upcoming December Events

Wow! What a November! We had an awesome First Sunday Funday teaching the kids about recycling (and playing fun games with recyclables), yet another Game Night, and an AWESOME skit on Nov. 19 where the kids helped us tell a story about generosity and greed. They were the first ones to load the results of our canned food drive into our brand new Little Free Pantry, too!

There’s EVEN MORE happening in December, so mark your calendars for:

Sunday, Dec. 3, 9:30AM: First Sunday Funday! We’ll be helping stuff gift bags of toiletries, socks, and holiday cards for the residents of Hope Mission, Beach House, and Empower.

Saturday, Dec. 9, 9:30AM: Project Christmas Cheer! We especially need the children’s help with this one as we shop for families from the Angel Tree. Who better to tell us what kids want and need than other kids?! We’ll meet at Wal-Mart, then take a trip over to the church to wrap the gifts and have a pizza party lunch. Feel free to drop off your teenagers and collect them later, but anyone under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Sunday, Dec. 17, 10:30AM: Solstice Pageant! We celebrate the return of the light and sing the sun back in this adaptation of Star hawk’s story. Does your kid want to be in the pageant? There are both speaking and non-speaking roles for everybody! Also, this service will be followed by our annual Cookie Exchange, so bring a container of your favorite cookies (homemade or storebought) and be prepared to bring that container home with lots of different cookies!

Sunday, Dec. 24, 4:30PM: Christmas Eve! This is a traditional Lessons & Carols service, honoring our Christian roots with the story of Jesus’ birth and old Christmas carols. Cookies and cider follow the service.