Finding Utopia

As we approach the long-awaited day when we gather in our new sanctuary, members of the UCF congregation are about to experience a dream-come-true. However, dreams of a carefully planned and glorious future are certainly nothing new. Where, oh where are Shangri-la, Brigadoon, and the Fountain of Youth? In this service we will examine these idealistic Utopias and discover how we can use them to become re-enchanted with reality.

Artist Addie Hirschten is a contemporary impressionist painter, art teacher, host of the “The Alchemy of Art” podcast and author of several books. You can find out more about her creative work at: She has been a UU since 1987 and has shared a variety of sermons as a Worship Associate at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Indianapolis. Addie is also the daughter of UCF members Linda Rudd and Tom Wentworth.