Archives: Services

Church, Unplugged

Let’s have a “throwback” service today, without all the bells and whistles. No slides, no accompanist, no amplified sound. (Yes, we will still have Zoom, but it may look and sound different.) Come prepared to circle up and experience a worship service that may more closely resemble something from the 1st century rather than the … Continue reading Church, Unplugged

Earth Day: Protecting What We Love

This will be a special service co-led by Penny Hooper and Harriet Altman, sharing insights from the book Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer, and other musings honoring the Earth.   This theme will be carried forth with a special story and activity for the younger folks by Sarah Grenier. 

Come, Come, Whoever You Are

It’s a new member ceremony! Those who have signed the membership book sometime in the past 12 months are celebrated in today’s multigenerational ceremony as we widen the circle of Unitarian Universalism.

Confucius Says

Many people are familiar with the jokes that begin “Confucius says…” But what did Confucius really say? And what does a Chinese philosopher who was alive in 500 BCE have to offer people of modern-day Earth?

Music to Awaken the Spirit

Choir Director Tom Cullison leads this service that’s all about chants, rounds, and that mysterious thing that happens when we sing together. Even if you claim you “can’t sing,” use the gift of your voice to become part of something bigger than yourself.

Whose Job is It?

Rev. Ma ponders a personal experience (involving a spilled beer!) and the implications for wider society. Whose responsibility is it to clean up messes? Make amends? Restore relationships? Build Beloved Community?

Decolonizing Ourselves

When the colonists first arrived in North America, Africa, and Asia, they brought with them colonial ideas about hierarchy, consumption, and scarcity. These ideas have now spread all over the world and hinder our abilities to solve problems such as climate change, poverty, and oppression. In order to be the change we want to see … Continue reading Decolonizing Ourselves

A Tower of Spaghetti and Marshmallow

Almost 20 years ago, product designer Peter Skillman delivered a TED Talk about his “Design Challenge” using spaghetti and marshmallow to construct a tower. In the many years since then running this challenge with various groups, he realized that kindergarteners outperformed all the other groups, including business students. What can we learn from kindergarteners on … Continue reading A Tower of Spaghetti and Marshmallow