Speaker: Rev. MIcah C. Ma

Lessons and Carols

10:30 AM: Join us for an “unplugged” time of spirituality and song. No piano accompaniment, no amplified sound. We’ll turn off our phones, talk to one another about what this season means to us, and maybe do some acapella singing–however the spirit moves us. If we don’t see you in the morning, then maybe we’ll … Continue reading Lessons and Carols

Winter Solstice Service

This special Vespers service honors the Longest Night and the return of the light, a festival that appears in many cultures all over the world. In a nod to the pagan sources of our faith, we will light candles, sing songs, and send our energy to the earth to give her–and us–strength to get through … Continue reading Winter Solstice Service

The Return of the Sun

The Solstice is nearly upon us! As the Earth performs its annual miracle of tilting on its axis and bringing the return of longer days, we celebrate with a multigenerational earth-centered Solstice Pageant based on a story by Starhawk. Let’s bring back the light with song and story! *This service will be followed by our … Continue reading The Return of the Sun

Care for the Spirit

The holidays are often a busy time, and not always joyous; this time of year can be stressful and even grief-stricken. As the nights grow longer and we look forward to a season of turning inward, let us attend to caring for our spirits. 

What Will You Bring to the Feast

We invite all ages to a multigenerational service where we will all take part in a story about gratitude and generosity! Also today we will be collecting canned and shelf-stable goods for a food pantry donation, so be sure to bring those with you so that we can bless them during the service.

Seeing Colors

Many people–especially white people–like to say “I don’t see color” when it comes to race. People talk about how “we all bleed the same” or “we’re all part of the same human family.” As well-intentioned as this is, these words erase important parts of people’s identities. As we quest to expand our ability to love … Continue reading Seeing Colors

Needs Are Not a Hierarchy

Abraham Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs,” often presented in the form of a pyramid, depict a highly isolated and individualized path toward self-actualization. Maslow’s intentions may have been misunderstood–but also the Blackfoot Nation, with whom he spent six weeks, have been left out of the story entirely. How can the Blackfoot way of life guide us … Continue reading Needs Are Not a Hierarchy

Celebrating Differences

When creating peace, we tend to look for common ground between us. We talk about ourselves as “one human race” and look for similarities in our traditions and foods, rather than focusing on the things that are different. However, our differences are also something be celebrated! In this service, we celebrate our differing hair textures, … Continue reading Celebrating Differences

The Loneliest Generation

Gen Z has been called “the loneliest generation,” but all Americans are lonelier than ever before. Even before the pandemic, polls and studies showed that Americans have fewer close friends, are more likely to live alone, and less likely to join voluntary organizations. This has consequences for not only our mental health but our physical … Continue reading The Loneliest Generation