Speaker: Rev. MIcah C. Ma

What All of Church Teaches

A lot of Unitarian Universalists love to go to church to learn something, whether it’s a new science fact or a new spiritual practice. But church is actually teaching us all the time, not just in sermons or classes. What else do we learn at church, besides what the preacher preaches?

Healing Waters

It is time for a Unitarian Universalist tradition: Water Communion, when we mark the beginning of another year of church programming and remind ourselves that we are a community. This year, we combine it with another, regional tradition: Homecoming! Join us for our special Water Communion ritual (and bring some water of your own, if … Continue reading Healing Waters

Caring for the Self

On a three-day weekend brought to us by and intended to recognize the labor movement, let’s also talk about the things that prevent us from resting: capitalism and the Protestant work ethic. In a world where even the concept of “self-care” has been monetized, what does it mean to truly care for ourselves?

Shifting Baselines

In 1886, William Temple Hornaday traveled to Montana to kill as many bison as he could. He believed, then, that that was the only way to save the bison: by preserving their hides in the Smithsonian. But something changed, and Hornaday went on to become one of the founders of the American conservation movement. What … Continue reading Shifting Baselines

What is Spirituality

“I’m spiritual, not religious,” say many Unitarian Universalists. So what IS the difference between spirituality and religion? What exactly does it mean to be spiritual? How do we define such a broad term? What does it mean to be journeying together, when our spiritual journeys may be so different?

Journey (A Touchstone Service)

While we often think of a journey as being something long and, sometimes, arduous, the original meaning of the word was limited to a day’s work or a day’s travel. There are different kinds of journeys and perhaps in any journey, we should value time more, and hold each day precious.

“We are all born naked…”

…and the rest is drag.” That’s a quote from RuPaul, America’s most famous drag queen and host of RuPaul’s Drag Race. What he means is that all of life is, in many ways, a performance. What can we learn from drag queens about authenticity and the labels we put on ourselves and others?

Communion and Community

The words “communion” and “community” share the same Greek root: koinonia. When we come together into community–and when we partake in communion–we become part of something bigger than ourselves, something greater than the sum of our parts. Join us today for a tradition we haven’t partaken in for several years now–Bread Communion! And our Annual … Continue reading Communion and Community

Look for the Helpers

The world, especially right now, seems like a very, very scary place. It seems like we’re hopelessly divided and that people are more selfish than ever before. And yet, the world is full of stories–both past and present–about how humans have come together to overcome impossible odds. We’re better than we think we are.