Upcoming Services

March 30: Who let Dragons back in the Church?!
What do you get when you mix collaboration, shared narrative, mutual reliance, camaraderie, teamwork, and creative expression?? A community that knows how to play and how to trust each other …. you know … like a church!
April 6: A Flower, a Petal, a Movement of Joy
Please bring a flower of your choice, either from your own gardens. or from a field or roadside, and we will build a bouquets of joy together in the annual Flower Ceremony.
April 13: Be the Thermostat, not the Thermometer
New member Bogie Cashwell offers his first worship service to us.
April 20: Paradise of Fools
Celebrating Earth Day this week gives us a chance to reflect on how good we’ve had it, living in a place of abundant beauty and natural resources. But 55 years after Earth Day was first created, there are those in power making choices that endanger our planet; have we humans lived for too long in comfort and blissful ignorance of the climate crisis? Do we really need catastrophic disruption to the environment to realize how fragile our existence is on this earth? Have we been living in a paradise of fools? Rev. Dr. Gaye Morris invites us to be clear-eyed about the real possibility of “Paradise Lost” and how we might, with Easter hope, work to pull back from the brink.
April 27: Locker Room Talk
These words, used to excuse vile language about women during the 2016 election, point to a deep historic conflict of values. It’s not just about how men behave: Throughout human history, worldviews based in domination and in collaboration have been in tension. Today, the contrast between these worldviews are as clear as they have ever been. From the simplest interactions between individuals to international relations, the will to dominate seems to be everywhere. How do Unitarian Universalist values call us to respond?