November Ministerial Search Committee Update

The Search Committee extends sincere thanks for the feedback and ideas that you all shared in the ministerial search survey, the cottage meetings, coffees with the Board and in individual conversations. We are close to completing UCF’s congregational profile and finalizing the folder of required documents. These will be forwarded to the UUA Transitions Office for review and approval.

After receiving approval from the UUA Transitions Office, we anticipate posting our documents by December 1, 2023 for ministerial applicants to review and possibly apply to be our next fulltime contract minister. It appears that this will be a highly competitive year for congregations in search of new ministers. There are a large number of congregations in search including quite a few in our geographical area. The Search Committee hopes to begin receiving applications in January and interviewing top applicants with the goal of having our next fulltime contract minister begin August, 2024.
As always, please feel free to ask questions and offer feedback to any of the Search Committee members. Members are Tom Cullison, Miriam Green, Sarah Grenier, Penny Hooper, and Amy Jones. You can also email the committee at [email protected]
Thank you for your trust.