From Sarah Grenier
What a gift it has been to work with the children in this congregation so far! I’ve enjoyed getting to know everyone more and to meet some new friends too. We’ve had a lot of changes happening all at once, so I want to share what’s been going on.
In the nursery, we’ve rearranged it to be a Montessori-style class with a separate area for our littlest babies to play safely. I hope to rotate toys and activities to meet the ever-changing needs of our toddlers and babies.
In the RE classroom, we’ve been sharing joys and concerns, getting to know each other a little better. We’ve been reading a story depending on each week’s theme (e.g. Black History Month, decolonization, Women’s History Month). Then, we’ve had free time to do activities or play together. This is the format we will continue with until we fully implement Spirit Play!
Also, we’ve decided to move Sunday Funday to coffee hour starting in April! The Children and Family Ministries committee hopes to have the nursery care starting prior to the service sometime in this summer too, so be on the lookout for more information!
And now, for April events:
- Sunday, April 7th, during coffee hour: Come make seed bombs with us and have a yummy spring-inspired snack for kids during coffee hour! In Children’s RE, we will discuss the Golden Rule and Chinese philosophy.
- Friday, April 12th, 6:30PM: Game Night! Bring your favorite board game or play one of ours. We will celebrate all April birthdays with a cake!
- Sunday, April 14th, 10:30AM: New member service to warmly welcome all our new friends to our congregation. This is a multigenerational service with no nursery or children’s RE.
- Sunday, April 21st, 10:30AM: In Children’s RE, we will be writing love letters to a person or thing that we love and want to protect to coincide with the Earth Day service.
Sunday, April 28th, 10:30AM: In RE, we will focus on using our senses to be in the present moment and practice meditation.