Children and Family Ministries for March by Sarah Grenier

It is hard to parent in times like these. Injustices are around us and overwhelming us. We are trying to keep up with the latest news while also making lunches and wiping butts. We want to set a good example for our children to be calm, to resist, and to be joyful. It’s times like these that our faith and our welcoming community are so vital. Resisting is easier together. Resting is easier together. Celebrating is easier together. Let our fellowship be a beacon of light for your family in these weary times. Bring your faith into your everyday life with a few of these ideas:

  • Have something in your house that says you are Unitarian Universalists: a chalice, a wall hanging, a stained glass chalice pendant.
  • Light a family chalice at family meals, give thanks, and ask for support in your own lives, in helping others in your family and friendship circle, and for peace in the world.
  • Share joys and sorrows or highs and lows.
  • At bedtime, comment on UU values in bedtime stories.
  • Participate in a bedtime prayer or reflection. (One thing you’re thankful for, one thing you hope will happen, one thing you’re sorry for and would like to improve, and one person to send loving thoughts to.)
  • Mention the UU principles and how they relate to the way you live your life. For example, when you recycle relate it to your UU beliefs about the interdependent web.
  • Develop your own spiritual beliefs and share these beliefs with your children. Talk with your children about spiritual questions and top-ics.
  • Ask your children what they learned in RE after church
  • Volunteer – Families can “do good together”. Look for service pro-jects that the family can do together. Relate the service project to one of the UU principles. Ask afterwards: How did you make a dif-ference? What did you learn, how have you been changed? And perhaps What can you do beyond today to continue this work?
  • Tell like-minded friends about our congregation


Sunday, March 2nd, 10:30 AM Women’s History Month Bingo During coffee hour: Sunday Funday
Sunday, March 9th, 10:30AM: Bishop Budde Discussion
Sunday, March 16th, 10:30AM: Dorthea Dix Story
Sunday, March 23rd, 10:30AM: Spring Equinox Story
Sunday, March 30th, 10:30AM: Multigen Service 10:15AM: Nursery open, no children’s religious education