Children and Family Ministries News

We had a FABULOUS pancake breakfast at our September First Sunday Funday! Thanks to Wendy Pesch for these fabulous photos. Riley, Ayden, and Bryden helped make THREE kinds of pancakes–and waffles!–for everyone. They did everything from flipping to serving. Everyone had a great time.

In October, we’ll be doing more food-related service! We’ll be helping set up for Coffee Hour and making Coffee Hour snacks, including: rice krispies treats, mini zucchini pizzas, muddy buddies, and ants on a log. (Don’t know what some of those treats are? Join us and you’ll learn how to make them!)

Also in October, our multigenerational service will be on Oct. 29: our annual Samhain service! On that day, we invite families to stay together through the entire service as we open the circle, call our ancestors and deceased loved ones to join us, and celebrate their lives and the lessons that they taught us. This will be an interactive service, with busy bags and games available to help little ones who have trouble sitting still. (And if they make some noise, that’s okay! We love hearing them!)