Come Join Our Social Justice Committee

UCF Members show up for January 6th Protest in Beaufort

As we approach this new season in our new building and have more space and visibility, we have an opportunity to really make a difference as we “advocate for social and environmental justice within our community”. We hope to get more folks joining us as we do more outreach in our community, more education, more call-to-action opportunities, etc.! There is something for everyone to follow their passion!

Just a FEW of examples include:
 Transforming Hearts – Transgender Inclusion in Congregations course – coming in September
 Racial Justice reading group and action group
 Service days, such as serving meals at Hope Mission, picking up trash with Green Sanctuary, etc.
 Contributing and possibly volunteering at Food Banks
 Red Cross Blood Drives
 UU the Vote and volunteering at the Voter Registration Drive at CCC in September
 Meatless Mondays
 Participate in holiday gift bags and Project Christmas Cheer work

UCF members serving lunch at Martin Luther King Birthday Celebration

Our next meeting (in person) will be Sunday, August 28, following our service. We hope you’ll join us! We’d love to hear your ideas too! Together, we CAN make a difference!
-Harriet Altman and Barb Thomas, Co-Chairs