Get Ready for UU the Vote!

Here’s a heads up about this year’s UU the Vote rollout. This is a nationwide effort by Unitarian Universalists (UU’s) all over the country to get people out to vote. Social Justice Committee co-chairs Harriet Altman and Barb Thomas have already participated in a “Captain’s Rollout” and the rollout for all participants will be on May 14 th at 7:00 PM on Zoom. For that, we will be joined by National UU the Vote Organizer, Nora Rasman, Carolina Jews for Justice Executive Director Abby Lublin, and other guests from our partner organizations across NC. WATCH “THE WAVE” FOR THE REGISTRATION LINK FOR THE STATEWIDE ROLLOUT.
What can you expect from “UU the Vote”?

  • We will be asked to write postcards to potential voters. We have done this several times in the past. There has been much research that has found that handwritten postcards that contain voting information in an inviting format are very effective.
  • We will be eligible to apply for a $500 grant from UUA to pay for the postcard materials. Everyone in the congregation, including older children, can volunteer to participate. Usually, they are done in a packet of 20 postcards. You will be given a sample to copy from, colored pens, postcards, a list of names and addresses, and stamps.
  • “You Can Vote” training will be available for those wanting to do Voter Registration and educate people about voting at local events
  • Another option will be phone banking to get out the vote. This also can be done from the comfort of your own home or at a phone banking gathering. We will be participating on the last Tuesdays in August, September, and October
  • There will also be options to help during Early Voting and Election Day providing rides to the polls, creating safety at the polls, or becoming a Vote Protector through Democracy NC.
    Your Social Justice chairs are excited about the opportunity to participate in a statewide effort to “UU the Vote”! This is an effort we can all work on together!!