The Spring UU 101 Classes were offered March 3, 10, and 17, following the Sunday services. Many thanks to Rev. Ma for leading the first and third classes and to Maratha Kenworthy for facilitating the second class. The Membership Committee was very happy to have between 10 and 15 people attending each class to learn more about our Unitarian Universalist Faith and the way our UCF Committees work to do our part in the shared ministry of our congregation. Following the third class, we were pleased to welcome into membership the following friends: Sandy Parker, Devin and Nicole Merkley (son, Payson), Christopher Yost, and Heather Woodward. If you are interested in changing your status from Friend to Member, please see Rev Ma, Martha Kenworthy, or Penny Hooper and we will make sure you can “sign the book”!

At our service on Sunday, April 14, we will have a special ceremony to present to the Congregation all the new Members from the UU 101 classes last October, plus the classes in March, and any others who have decided to join. You will also be seeing their Photos and Bios in future Coastlines and on the new Member Photo Board above the drinking fountain in the Sanctuary Vestibule. Please try to make these new Members and all new Visitors and Friends feel very welcome!