From Susan Fetzer, Board President
I’m looking forward to the next two years as the President of the Fellowship, serving with new Board members Tom Wentworth as Vice President and Linda Rudd as Leadership Council Trustee. We will be joining Jo Ellen Essex, Secretary, and David Hughes, Treasurer, in their second year on the Board. Thank you to UCF for your confidence in electing us at the June 10th Annual Meeting to serve as your Board of Trustees. Thank you, Melva Kearney, for your service as President of the Board. Thank you, Mary Anna Newman, for your work as Leadership Council Trustee. Outgoing Board President Melva Kearney and Mark Hooper were elected to join the Nominating Committee. I’m also pleased that the bylaws change passed to remove the names of standing committees from the bylaws, allowing committees to rename themselves without requiring a change in the bylaws.
When I was a student, I always liked the beginning of the school year. I liked making a list of what I needed to start the year, including new pencils, notebooks and paper, and a box of 64 crayons. My parents never let me get the box of 64 crayons; 24 crayons were enough, they said. Starting my term as President of the UCF Board is exciting, too. I’ve made a list of all that I want for the congregation. It’s a long list and we won’t finish it all, but with the help of the Board and the congregation, progress will be made toward examining why Unitarian Coastal Fellowship exists, what we want for our future, and how we will fulfill our dreams. Just like at school, I want you to share your lists, your gifts, and together we will color our dreams, sharing our crayons to make all the colors in the 64-crayon box and more!
Rev. Ma is on Vacation
She is in California, catching up with family and friends and also herself. Here’s who to contact if you need something while she’s gone:
For worship needs, please contact Marilynn Cullison at [email protected] For pastoral care needs, please contact Helene Kelly at [email protected] For office needs, please contact Jo Ellen Essex at [email protected] For facilities needs, please contact Sandra Shelp at [email protected] For the Board President, please contact Susan Fetzer at [email protected]
Rev. Ma looks forward to being back with everyone on August 2nd!
Board of Trustees News
- The revised COVID policy was approved and is published on the website.
- There is a vacancy on the Committee on Ministry that needs to be filled.
- A short-term (event) rental policy will be developed.
- A planning team for the dedication of the Sally B. White Center will be formed.
- The Board approved formation of the Common Grounds Task Force.
- The July meeting will be Thursday, July 14, at 7 pm. Zoom link is on the church calendar in Breeze. Meetings are open to all.