Ministerial Search Committee

At the July 9 Worship Service, Tom Cullison, Miriam Green, Penny Hooper, Amy Jones, and Sarah Grenier accepted the charge to serve on the Ministerial Search Committee for UCF’s next full-time contract minister. The committee members’ response to the congregation was “We hear your charge and set it upon our hearts. We covenant to listen well, bear in mind the congregation’s vision and mission, and
always remember that we are seeking to fulfill the needs of the larger congregation. Thank you for your trust.”

The Ministerial Search Committee

The Search Committee’s Congregational Covenant is:
As a Search Committee representing our congregation, we covenant with our congregation to:
A. Serve our congregation to the best of our ability, realizing, both as a group and individually, we represent the face of our congregation and community in the ministerial search process. We will represent our congregation with forthright honesty, care, compassion, and respect.
B. Follow the rules and timelines within the Transitional Ministry Handbook.
C. Honor a minister’s needs to follow the Guidelines for the UUMA.
D. Listen to, inform, and work with our congregation, the Transitions Office, Regional Staff, and Regional Transitions Coaches throughout the transitional process.
E. Understand the need for fairness and confidentiality throughout the search process.