The Welcoming Congregation Team is thrilled that we were recently notified by UUA that UCF successfully completed the Five Practices of Welcome Renewal for 2024.
Below is an excerpt from the letter from Rev. Michael J. Crumpler, UUA LGBTQ and Multicultural Director Programs Director.
“Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Five Practices of Welcome Renewal for 2024. Sincere congratulations on your ongoing commitment to LGBTQ+ welcome and inclusion in and beyond Morehead City. It was a pleasure to read about all you have accomplished and the powerful work you have done to ensure that Unitarian Coastal Fellowship is meeting the needs of queer and trans congregants and the wider community.
Thanks again for your congregation’s life-giving, essential work!”
UCF’s 2024 Welcoming Congregation Renewal certificate is framed and in the foyer.

To learn more about UUA’s LGBTQ programs and activities, please visit: to subscribe to the quarterly UPLIFT newsletter and read the UPLIFT blog. You can also join the new Welcoming Congregations of Unitarian Universalism Facebook Group and follow UP-LIFT Twitter and Instagram @uua_lgbtq.