September Groups and Classes

Mental Health Family Support Group

The Mental Health Family Support Group is an opportunity to share experiences and challenges of having family members or friends who live with mental illness. The Mental Health Family Support Group will be meeting on Mondays on Zoom from 3:30 to 5:00 beginning on September 11. If you would like to join these meetings or would like more information, please contact Susan Roberts at 843-217-1885 or email at: [email protected].

UCF Book Club – September 18th 4:00 PM SBW Center

The Book Club will meet in September to discuss the book “Take My Hand” by Dolen Perkins-Valdez.
A haunting tale about how the actions of government agencies aren’t innocent of racism, injustice or abuse, emotional and physical, of black people in America.
Please join us in September to discuss this tale of two sisters and a young nurse who is helping them (based on a true story). All are welcome. Any questions contact Joan Burton at [email protected].

Welcome Back Meatless Mondays

The Green Sanctuary Team and the Adult Enrichment Committee will be hosting Meatless Monday Dinners in the Social Hall on the fifth Mondays of the upcoming months, beginning with October 30, 2023. We will be inviting local farmers to join us, with other fun surprises as well. Please plan to join us as we welcome back a beloved pre-COVID favorite!

Preserving our Night Skies

Please join the Adult Spiritual Enrichment Committee and the Green Sanctuary Team in the UCF Social Hall on September 13, at 6:00 pm for: Preserving Our Night Skies, a program on the effects of light pollution and ways to reduce it. It is presented by Crystal Coast Stargazers member Vermadel Nienstedt. Crystal Coast Stargazers is a local astronomy club that partnered with Cape Lookout National Seashore in their effort to become a certified International Dark Sky Park. The park was certified in December 2021 and is the only IDS Park on the eastern seaboard. There will be a discussion after the presentation. Please RSVP to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] so there will be enough cookies, hummus and handouts!

Weekly Meditation – Mondays 5:30 to 6:00 PM

Come meditate with us on Zoom on Monday afternoons. You can sign on between 5:30 and 5:40 and meditation will be from 5:40 to 6:00. The first Monday of each month we will meet at UCF for a coloring meditation led by Sandra Shelp. The Zoom sessions will be guided by either Holly Rogers, Daryl Walker, Virginia Woodhead, or Susan Roberts. We enjoy experiencing a variety of meditation styles. Please contact Susan Roberts at: [email protected] if you would like to be added to the meditation Zoom email list.

Adult Spiritual Enrichment

September 6 – 4:30 pm Philosophy in the Afternoon
September 6 – 6:00 pm Vespers with Reverend Micah
September 8 – 6:30 Game Night
September 14 – 6:15 pm First Film in Social Justice Film Series
September 20 – 6:00 pm Vespers, lay-led, leader TBA