Archives: Services

Connecting the Story of Love With the Story of Power

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called us to understand the connection between our power and our need for justice. Join us as we deepen into the story and meaning of his quote: “Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.”

Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols

Come sing a song with us … your favorite carols are accopanied with bible verse and modern reflection. How the story of Jesus’ birth impacts our daily lives. We will end holding candles and singing Silent Night to each other.

UCF Pastoral Care Team

The purpose of the UCF Pastoral Care Team is to extend care to the congregation through one-to-one caring and helping activities by lay members of the congregation to those who are in special need.  Activities vary depending on the needs of the individual.  Learn how you may benefit from this effort by emailing [email protected].