Archives: Services

International Day of Peace

In anticipation of International Day of Peace, Karen Baggott and Meganne Smith will be sharing thoughts and songs on the topic of peace. Peace is a noun, and it is a verb; it is a process and a destination.

Water Communion

Bring a small vessel of water to add to our collective communal waters – we will contemplate waters of transformation, waters of grief, waters of renewal and waters of joy.

The Words We Speak Become the House We Live In

Hafiz, or Hafez, was a Persian poet in the 1300’s who was very famous in his ownday and who is still a noted figure in present-day Iran and beyond. He studied andmemorized the Quran, earning him the title “protector,” or “hafez”; and hispoetry often expresses “the divine inspiration of the mystical.” Today, we willconsider his statement: … Continue reading The Words We Speak Become the House We Live In

The Sixth Source

The Sixth Source in Unitarian Universalism refers to Earth-centered traditions, including those of modern Paganism.  While forms of Paganism from European origins get popularized there is much wisdom we can learn from other cultures.  Let us use the wisdom of the ancient Mexica, whom we call the Aztecs today, to reflect on times of change.

Don’t Give Up Now

In these times that we live in, it would be easy to lose confidence, hope and trust in people.  Yes, we get depressed and discouraged when we see injustice and hatred, but we never give up!!, we keep pressing, we endure  This is not a new fight so “Don’t Give Up Now”. Bio: Rev. Lynn Stiles Godette … Continue reading Don’t Give Up Now

Love Among Us

As people gathered in religious community, we are tasked with co-creating a space to engage the Holy. While defined in a variety of ways, Love has often been described as the most significant value among us as a faithful people. For it is indeed both the pathway to, and is of itself, the most holy … Continue reading Love Among Us