Archives: Services

One Last Time

On Rev. Ma’s last Sunday with the congregation, they reflect back on the lessons they learned at the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship–and also look forward at the future they believe is in store for this congregation. What role can UCF and Unitarian Universalism play here on the Crystal Coast, years into the future?

A Midsummer’s Day Dream

It’s General Assembly Sunday! Be prepared for a half day at church, as we start off at 10:30am with a Summer Solstice service. Then, afterward, we’re having a “picnic” potluck, after which all are invited to the sanctuary at 1pm for a live-streamed General Assembly Sunday worship service. Come for one worship or stay for … Continue reading A Midsummer’s Day Dream

Bread Communion

Once a year, UCF has an Annual Meeting where the business of the congregation is conducted and new Board members are voted in. And before that, there is traditionally a Bread Communion, where we remind ourselves that “communion” and “community” share the same root. All are welcome to bring bread, and the Board will bring … Continue reading Bread Communion

Will You Accept This Rose

A minister is nothing without the congregation! The leadership and support of the people are what make a congregation work, and many people at the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship labor behind the scenes. On this Sunday, Rev. Ma lifts up UCF’s volunteers and thanks them for all of their hard work over these past years.

Be Gay Do Crime

It’s multigenerational Pride Sunday! On this Sunday, we celebrate all of our diversities while also looking at liberation and its relationship to the law. Those who paved the way for our liberation today were the lawbreakers of the past, from fugitive slaves to the Greensboro Six to the Stonewall riot. What does “be gay, do … Continue reading Be Gay Do Crime

Children Are a Blessing

It’s a child dedication! A children dedication actually: multiple. In this multigenerational service, we bless some of our new children with the elements of the universe, call them by name, and present them with gifts from the congregation. We promise ourselves to be the village that raises the child, because we know: none of us … Continue reading Children Are a Blessing

The Many Faces of Mother’s Day

While Instagram and Facebook are filled with photos of perfectly crafted breakfasts-in-bed and loving testimonials to the perfect family, the reality is that many people struggle with Mother’s Day. These are people with complicated relationships with their mothers; mothers who have recently lost a child; people who struggle with fertility; and many, many more. Together, … Continue reading The Many Faces of Mother’s Day

The Spirit of Play

It’s Children’s Day in Japan! What if we all had a day where we celebrated our children and their happiness? In this service, we enter into the playful, curious spirit of the child and also explore the new structure we’re using for our children in the classroom: Spirit Play.