UCF’s Social Justice Committee helps UCF to fulfill its vision of being a “visible presence in the community promoting a just world through…compassionate action”. This committee’s makeup is ever-changing – any member of the congregation can bring a social justice issue or project to a meeting for consideration, or they can join us to work on any of our current projects or issues. Click here to see our Mission Statement. The minutes of our most recent meeting will give you an overview of our work.
The committee donates money and time to local non-profits that fit with our mission, organizing “Days of Service” when needed. We hold special collections in times of natural disaster and every month the Social Justice Committee selects an organization to “Share the Plate”. All donations that are not designated for pledges for other specific purposes are divided equally between UCF and the selected organization. Donations can be placed in the plate on Sunday, mailed to our PO Box or given online.
The Social Justice Committee meets quarterly with frequent email communication between meetings. Co-chairs of the committee are Harriet Altman ([email protected]) and Barb Thomas ([email protected]). Our next meeting will be on November 28th at 6:30 PM on Zoom. See our 2022-2023 Annual Report, which details our work during the past fiscal year.
Check this blog often to see what is going on with us!