UCF Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship will be conducted in person as well as on Zoom on Sunday, June 12, 2022 immediately after our Worship Service.

There will be a notice and ballot form sent to all members and friends on May 29, 2022, two weeks prior to the meeting, which will include the final agenda and the proposed budget.

The required business of the Annual Meeting includes reports on Fellowship activities from the Board and Committees, the budget for 2022-23, election of Officer Trustees and Nominating Committee members as indicated, and any other business. Officers and Nominating Committee members are elected on a staggered basis to provide continuity.

There will also be a Bylaw change, which will require us to have a quorum of 50% of the membership to vote. Since, as in prior years, we are meeting in person as well as by Zoom, and votes may be returned by email, snail mail or in person, we are encouraging all in the Fellowship (friends and members) to submit their ballots to the Board Secretary, Jo Ellen Essex at [email protected] soon after receiving the notice and ballot form.

Please refer to the website, www.ucfnc.org to find the bylaws and policy manual in the tab labeled “We Govern Ourselves.”