Children and Family Ministries June Schedule

•Sunday, June 2nd, Multigen Pride Sunday 10:30AM: Nursery open, no children’s religious education During coffee hour: Sunday Funday “Fun in the Sun”•Friday, June 7th: 12:30-2:30 Celebrate the end of the school year with pizza and ice cream!•Sunday, June 9th, 10:30AM: Father’s Day story and activities•Friday, June 14th, 6:30PM: Game Night! Bring your favorite board game … Continue reading Children and Family Ministries June Schedule

Happy Pride Month!

What is PRIDE all about? LGBTQ+ Pride Month is celebrated each year during the month of June to acknowledge and honor the Stonewall Uprising in New York.   (As noted by the STONEWALL Veterans’ Association, the reference to these events as the Stonewall Riots was initially used by police to justify their use of force.)   Unprovoked … Continue reading Happy Pride Month!

UCF Members Attend NC UU Choir Festival

During the last weekend in April, choir Director, Tom Cullison, and choir members, Susan Fetzer, Barb Thomas, and Karen Baggott attended the regional Choir Festival at Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Durham, NC. Their music director, Wendy Looker, and their clinician, Francisco Ruiz from California, created a wonderful choral experience and church members provided … Continue reading UCF Members Attend NC UU Choir Festival

Get Ready for UU the Vote!

Here’s a heads up about this year’s UU the Vote rollout. This is a nationwide effort by Unitarian Universalists (UU’s) all over the country to get people out to vote. Social Justice Committee co-chairs Harriet Altman and Barb Thomas have already participated in a “Captain’s Rollout” and the rollout for all participants will be on … Continue reading Get Ready for UU the Vote!