The Unitarian Coastal Fellowship has been committed to demonstrating UU’s Second Principle of justice, equity, and compassion in human relations through building relationships across difference. We recognize that the path to mutual trust and respect comes from working together for the long run, not just a “flash in the pan” project. This has happened on an individual basis and on a church-wide basis. Activities of note include:
- Membership in the NAACP
- UCF members prepare and serve lunch for 300 at the annual MLK Birthday Celebration each year for over 20 years
- Supported the NAACP scholarship fund with financial donations and participation of our choir in the annual Gospel Festival, a fund raiser for the scholarship
- Membership in the Citizens for Diversity in Education
- Participation in the HK on J (Historic Thousands on Jones St) Marches in Raleigh sponsored by Rev. Barber’s “Peoples’ Campaign” and the NC NAACP.
- During the 2020 election cycle, UCF actively participated in efforts to protect voting rights, promote voter registration and get out the vote (GOTV) efforts.
- UCF co-sponsored voter registration drive at Carteret Community College.
- Conducted voting information session for UCF and community on 10/13/2020.
- Sent 650 postcards and phone banking to GOTV for the Georgia Senate runoff races.

Through these experiences and actions, the Social Action and Adult Religious Education Committees committed to self-education about historical racism in our state and in our nation. This began with reading Rev. William Barber’s book, “The Third Reconstruction.” By fall of 2017, more than 110 people (including many community members) had completed this class. The success of this experience led to creation of the Anti-Racism Reading Group as well as additional advocacy and workshops.