UCF News
What’s going on at Unitarian Coastal Fellowship? Find it below!
Red Cross Blood Drive 3/31 10 AM to 3 PM. Sign Up HERE
What’s going on at Unitarian Coastal Fellowship? Find it below!
The Welcoming Congregation Team is thrilled that we were recently notified by UUA that UCF successfully completed the Five Practices of Welcome Renewal for 2024.Below is an excerpt from the letter from Rev. Michael J. Crumpler, UUA LGBTQ and Multicultural Director Programs Director.“Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Five Practices of Welcome Renewal for 2024. … Continue reading News from the Welcoming Congregation Renewal Team
On January 20th, members and friends of UCF once again prepared the lunch for the attendees of the Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration. There was a record high attendance at this year’s event and our team worked hard to prepare the lunch plates and get them on carts to be delivered to the guests. … Continue reading Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration
As is our tradition, UCF reached out to over 100 adults in Carteret County who are dealing with serious problems, including homelessness, severe and persistent mental illness, developmental disabilities, natural disasters, and addiction recovery. These adults are served by 4 local organizations: Hope Mission, Beach House, Empower, and Carteret Long Term Recovery Alliance. Each adult … Continue reading Holiday Gift Bags
On Tuesday, December 10th a group of members and friends from UCF brought a Holiday Caroling party to our neighbors at Empower. Empower (formerly Station Club) is a program for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and provides vocational training and socialization activities. Karen Baggott lead the singing of simple Christmas Carols and Dan Phillips … Continue reading Caroling Party at Empower
Saturday, December 7, a group of parents and children from our congregation met at Walmart to shop for six Christmas Angels, four from one family and two from a second family. Great fun was had shopping and checking their Christmas “Wish lists” and clothes sizes and favorite colors to make sure Santa got everything just … Continue reading Project Christmas Cheer
About 15 Friends and 5 or 6 Members gathered to eat lunch and learn more about each other, our church and our faith, on Nov 27, Dec 3, and Dec 10. This was a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other better.A good time, plus interesting discussions, were held over these three weeks of … Continue reading Membership News: UU 101
The December schedule is absolutely PACKED! Be sure to takeadvantage of Parent’s Night Out to get your last-minute shopping done orto just breath during this hectic time of year! Show up for the fun and easy Christ-mas Pageant to take pictures for your family, and then come to sing your heart out at Christmas Eve … Continue reading December News From Children and Families Ministries
Minister Leslie is nicely settled into her home in Carteret County and she officially started as UCF’s new full time contract minister on August 1! Leslie plans to begin her ministry by connecting with UCF’s committees to learn when they meet and what type of ministry needs they may have. She is looking forward to … Continue reading MINISTERIAL SEARCH COMMITTEE UPDATE IT IS OFFICIAL!!! OUR NEW MINISTER, LESLIE RUNNELS, IS HERE!