Category: UCF News

UCF Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship will be conducted in person as well as on Zoom on Sunday, June 12, 2022 immediately after our Worship Service. There will be a notice and ballot form sent to all members and friends on May 29, 2022, two weeks prior to the meeting, which will include … Continue reading UCF Annual Meeting

Visit Us

If you are planning to attend in person, here is some information about our COVID policy and Parking. If you want more information about what to expect at the service, see the “First Time Visitors” page and the “Our Sunday Services” page. Covid Policy Regarding in-person gatherings at the church Hello Friends! Below is a … Continue reading Visit Us

May UCF News!

From Rev. Michelle Dear beloveds, At last the day is here. May 8th is when we will find ourselves in the new sanctuary. Indeed, you’ll have seen some (perhaps fumbling) worship services streamed from there already, by the time you receive this newsletter in your inbox. It will not be perfect. Not all the art … Continue reading May UCF News!

April UCF News!

From Rev. Michelle Beloveds, It has surely been a long season of waiting. Two long years we have waited! For the pandemic to be over…for our dreams of a new building to come to fruition…it has been two years of anticipation, weariness, impatience, excitement, nervousness, and all of the other big and small emotions that … Continue reading April UCF News!

February UCF News!

From Rev. Michelle Ma: Dear beloveds, I am writing this but a few days before I go on vacation, and by the time you read this I will have been on vacation for a week. I shall be thinking of you all—I am quite certain!—all the way in California, where I will be spending time … Continue reading February UCF News!

January UCF News!

From Rev. Ma: Dear Beloveds,Happy New Year! A new year promises renewal, fresh starts, new beginnings. It’s the time of year that many people resolve: this year will be different. This year, I’ll finally lose weight. This year, I’ll do a better job of keeping in touch with loved ones. This year, I’ll tackle that … Continue reading January UCF News!

December UCF News!

Communications from our Coastline Newsletter this Month From Rev. Michelle: Dear Beloveds, This is, historically, an inward time. The harvest is in; the days grow cold; the nights grow long. There is a season for everything, and this is the season for rest. There is, for sure, still work to do. There’s always work to … Continue reading December UCF News!