Author: Barb Thomas

UCF Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship will be conducted in person as well as on Zoom on Sunday, June 12, 2022 immediately after our Worship Service. There will be a notice and ballot form sent to all members and friends on May 29, 2022, two weeks prior to the meeting, which will include … Continue reading UCF Annual Meeting

The Origin of Pride Month

The following article was written by Amy Jones: LGBTQ+ Pride Month is celebrated each year during the month of June to acknowledge and honor the Stonewall Uprising in New York. (As noted by the STONEWALL Veterans’ Association, the reference to these events as the Stonewall Riots was initially used by police to justify their use … Continue reading The Origin of Pride Month

Visit Us

If you are planning to attend in person, here is some information about our COVID policy and Parking. If you want more information about what to expect at the service, see the “First Time Visitors” page and the “Our Sunday Services” page. Covid Policy Regarding in-person gatherings at the church Hello Friends! Below is a … Continue reading Visit Us

May UCF News!

From Rev. Michelle Dear beloveds, At last the day is here. May 8th is when we will find ourselves in the new sanctuary. Indeed, you’ll have seen some (perhaps fumbling) worship services streamed from there already, by the time you receive this newsletter in your inbox. It will not be perfect. Not all the art … Continue reading May UCF News!